Miki Ferrari
MIKI FERRARI's predecessor was the brand F&T Salotti, which was later renamed after its founder, Miki Ferrari. Founder Miki is passionate about architecture, design, and fashion. Her goal is to create unique furniture that is 100% made in Italy. She also enjoys combining design, leather, and technologically advanced fabrics with tradition to create furniture pieces that embody the distinctive look of MIKI FERRARI.
MIKI FERRARI 的前身是品牌 F&T Salotti,後來以創辦人 Miki Ferrari 的名字重新命名,並在傢俱系列上有著重大的改變。創辦人 Miki 對建築、設計和時尚充滿熱情。她的目標是創造獨一無二且 100% 義大利生產的傢俱。在沙發的設計概念上更是著重可調式多樣性的功能設計為主,以達到可提供使用者一個探索家居生活不同面向的機會。 她也喜歡將設計、皮革和具有科技元素的面料與傳統相結合,打造出 MIKI FERRARI 獨特風格的傢俱單品。
「我喜歡將設計、新型科技面料與傳統交織融合,運用時尚元素來塑造純粹優雅的風格,帶來一種嶄新的生活方式 ——