這款地毯是藝術風格相當濃厚的作品,由法國設計師 Nathalie Du Pasquier設計,是她很典型的設計風格,顏色大膽活潑,圖形也相當前衛。由工匠純手工悉心打造,當傢俱放置於地毯上方時,不僅襯托出傢俱的特色,地毯本身幾何圖形的創新圖騰也令人耳目一新。
- 品牌
- 設計師
- 尺寸The rug is adjustable according to the w
- 材質100% pure wool.
100% pure wool. 3 different pile height.

Tapis gris is a hyper graphic rug, typical of Nathalie du Pasquier' iconic designs.
The accumulation of patterns is toped with 3D silouettes of cubes.
The furniture placed on the rug is only a new layer of the pattern.

Tapis gris is a hyper graphic rug, typical of Nathalie du Pasquier' iconic designs.
The accumulation of patterns is toped with 3D silouettes of cubes.
The furniture placed on the rug is only a new layer of the pattern.